Plot short and long invertvals#

Visualization of short, long, extra and missed intervals detection.

The artefact detection is based on the method described in [1].

# Author: Nicolas Legrand <>
# Licence: GPL v3

Visualizing short/long and missed/extra intervals from a RR time series#

from systole import import_rr
from systole.plots import plot_shortlong

# Import PPG recording as numpy array
rr = import_rr().rr.to_numpy()

Subspace 2   (long and short beats detection)
<Axes: title={'center': 'Subspace 2 \n (long and short beats detection)'}, xlabel='Subspace $S_{21}$', ylabel='Subspace $S_{22}$'>

Visualizing ectopic subspace from the artefact dictionary#

from systole.detection import rr_artefacts

# Use the rr_artefacts function to short/long and extra/missed intervals
artefacts = rr_artefacts(rr)

Subspace 2   (long and short beats detection)
<Axes: title={'center': 'Subspace 2 \n (long and short beats detection)'}, xlabel='Subspace $S_{21}$', ylabel='Subspace $S_{22}$'>

Using Bokeh as plotting backend#

from import output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import show
from systole.detection import rr_artefacts

        artefacts=artefacts, backend="bokeh"

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.348 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery