- cardioception.HRD.task.trial(parameters: dict, alpha: float, modality: str, confidenceRating: bool = True, feedback: bool = False, nTrial: Optional[int] = None) Tuple[str, float, float, Optional[str], Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float], float, Optional[bool], bool, bool, float, float, float, Optional[float], Optional[float], float] [source]#
Run one trial of the Heart Rate Discrimination task.
- Parameters
- parameterdict
Task parameters.
- alphafloat
The intensity of the stimulus, from the staircase procedure.
- modalitystr
The modality, can be ‘Intero’ or ‘Extro’ if an exteroceptive control condition has been added.
- confidenceRatingboolean
If False, do not display confidence rating scale.
- feedbackboolean
If True, will provide feedback.
- nTrialint
Trial number (optional).
- Returns
- conditionstr
The trial condition, can be ‘Higher’ or ‘Lower’ depending on the alpha value.
- listenBPMfloat
The frequency of the tones (exteroceptive condition) or of the heart rate (interoceptive condition), expressed in BPM.
- responseBPMfloat
The frequency of thefeebdack tones, expressed in BPM.
- decisionstr
The participant decision. Can be ‘up’ (the participant indicates the beats are faster than the recorded heart rate) or ‘down’ (the participant indicates the beats are slower than recorded heart rate).
- decisionRTfloat
The response time from sound start to choice (seconds).
- confidenceint
If confidenceRating is True, the confidence of the participant. The range of the scale is defined in parameters[‘confScale’]. Default is [1, 7].
- confidenceRTfloat
The response time (RT) for the confidence rating scale.
- alphaint
The difference between the true heart rate and the delivered tone BPM. Alpha is defined by the stairCase.intensities values and is updated on each trial.
- is_correctint
0 for incorrect response, 1 for correct responses. Note that this value is not feeded to the staircase when using the (Yes/No) version of the task, but instead will check if the response is ‘More’ or not.
- response_providedbool
Was the decision provided (True) or not (False).
- ratingProvidedbool
Was the rating provided (True) or not (False). If no decision was provided, the ratig scale is not proposed and no ratings can be provided.
- startTrigger, soundTrigger, responseMadeTrigger, ratingStartTrigger, ratingEndTrigger, endTriggerfloat
Time stamp of key timepoints inside the trial.