Source code for cardioception.HBC.parameters

# Author: Nicolas Legrand <>

import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pkg_resources  # type: ignore
import serial
from systole import serialSim
from systole.recording import Oximeter

[docs]def getParameters( participant: str = "Participant", session: str = "001", serialPort: str = "COM3", taskVersion: str = "Garfinkel", setup: str = "behavioral", screenNb: int = 0, fullscr: bool = True, resultPath: Optional[str] = None, systole_kw: dict = {}, ) -> Dict: """Create Heartbeat Counting task parameters. Parameters ---------- participant : str Subject ID. Default is 'exteroStairCase'. resultPath : str or None Where to save the results. screenNb : int Screen number. Used to parametrize py:func:`psychopy.visual.Window`. Default is set to 0. serialPort: str The USB port where the pulse oximeter is plugged. Should be written as a string e.g. `"COM3"` for USB ports on Windows. session : int Session number. Default to '001'. setup : str Context of oximeter recording. `"behavioral"` will record through a Nonin pulse oximeter, `"test"` will use pre-recorded pulse time series (for testing only). systole_kw : dict Additional keyword arguments for :py:class:`systole.recorder.Oxmeter`. taskVersion : str or None Task version to run. Can be 'Garfinkel', 'Shandry', 'test' or None. Attributes ---------- conditions : 1d array-like of str The conditions. Can be 'Rest', 'Training' or 'Count'. confScale : list The range of the confidence rating scale. heartLogo : `psychopy.visual.ImageStim` Image presented during resting conditions. labelsRating : list The labels of the confidence rating scale. noteStart : psychopy.sound.Sound instance The sound that will be played when trial starts. noteStop : psychopy.sound.Sound instance The sound that will be played when trial ends. path : str The task working directory. randomize : bool If `True` (default), will randomize the order of the conditions. If taskVersion is not None, will use the default task parameter instead. rating : bool If `True` (default), will add a rating scale after the evaluation. restLength : int The length of the resting period (seconds). Default is 300 seconds. restLogo : `psychopy.visual.ImageStim` Image presented during resting conditions. restPeriod : bool If `True`, a resting period will be proposed before the task. resultPath : str The subject result directory. screenNb : int The screen number (Psychopy parameter). Default set to 0. serial : `serial.Serial` The serial port used to record the PPG activity. startKey : str The key to press to start the task and go to next steps. taskVersion : str or None Task version to run. Can be 'Garfinkel', 'Shandry', 'test' or None. texts : dict Dictionary containing the texts to be presented. textSize : float Text size. triggers : dict Dictionary {str, callable or None}. The function will be executed before the corresponding trial sequence. The default values are `None` (no trigger sent). * `"trialStart"` * `"trialStop"` * `"listeningStart"` * `"listeningStop"` * `"decisionStart"` * `"decisionStop"` * `"confidenceStart"` * `"confidenceStop"` times : 1d array-like of int Length of trials, in seconds. win : `psychopy.visual.window` The window in which to draw objects. """ from psychopy import sound, visual parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {} parameters["restPeriod"] = True parameters["restLength"] = 30 parameters["randomize"] = True parameters["startKey"] = "space" parameters["rating"] = True parameters["confScale"] = [1, 7] parameters["labelsRating"] = ["Guess", "Certain"] parameters["taskVersion"] = taskVersion parameters["results_df"] = pd.DataFrame({}) parameters["setup"] = setup # Initialize triggers dictionary with None # Some or all can later be overwrited with callable # sending the information needed. parameters["triggers"] = { "trialStart": None, "trialStop": None, "listeningStart": None, "listeningStop": None, "decisionStart": None, "decisionStop": None, "confidenceStart": None, "confidenceStop": None, } # Experimental design - can choose between a version based on recent # papers from Sarah Garfinkel's group, or the classic Schandry approach. # The primary difference ebtween the two is the order of trials and the # use of resting periods between trials. if parameters["taskVersion"] == "Garfinkel": parameters["times"] = np.array([25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]) np.random.shuffle(parameters["times"]) parameters["conditions"] = [ "Count", "Count", "Count", "Count", "Count", "Count", ] elif parameters["taskVersion"] == "Schandry": parameters["times"] = np.array([60, 25, 30, 35, 30, 45]) parameters["conditions"] = ["Rest", "Count", "Rest", "Count", "Rest", "Count"] elif parameters["taskVersion"] == "test": parameters["times"] = np.array([5, 5]) parameters["conditions"] = ["Rest", "Count"] else: raise ValueError("Invalid task condition") # Set default path /Results/ 'Subject ID' / parameters["participant"] = participant parameters["session"] = session parameters["path"] = os.getcwd() if resultPath is None: parameters["resultPath"] = parameters["path"] + "/data/" + participant + session else: parameters["resultPath"] = resultPath # Create Results directory of not already exists if not os.path.exists(parameters["resultPath"]): os.makedirs(parameters["resultPath"]) # Set note played at trial start parameters["noteStart"] = sound.Sound( pkg_resources.resource_filename("cardioception.HBC", "Sounds/start.wav") ) parameters["noteStop"] = sound.Sound( pkg_resources.resource_filename("cardioception.HBC", "Sounds/stop.wav") ) # Open window if parameters["setup"] == "test": fullscr = False parameters["win"] = visual.Window(screen=screenNb, fullscr=fullscr, units="height") parameters["win"].mouseVisible = False parameters["restLogo"] = visual.ImageStim( win=parameters["win"], units="height", image=pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "Images/rest.png"), pos=(0.0, -0.2), ) parameters["restLogo"].size *= 0.15 parameters["heartLogo"] = visual.ImageStim( win=parameters["win"], units="height", image=pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "Images/heartbeat.png"), pos=(0.0, -0.2), ) parameters["heartLogo"].size *= 0.05 if setup == "behavioral": # PPG recording port = serial.Serial(serialPort) parameters["oxiTask"] = Oximeter( serial=port, sfreq=75, add_channels=1, **systole_kw ) parameters["oxiTask"].setup().read(duration=1) elif setup == "test": # Use pre-recorded pulse time series for testing port = serialSim() parameters["oxiTask"] = Oximeter( serial=port, sfreq=75, add_channels=1, **systole_kw ) parameters["oxiTask"].setup().read(duration=1) ####### # Texts ####### # Task instructions parameters["texts"] = dict() parameters["texts"]["Rest"] = "Please sit quietly until the next session" parameters["texts"]["Count"] = ( "After you hear START, try to count your heartbeats" " by concentrating on your body feelings." " Stop counting when you hear STOP" ) parameters["texts"]["Training"] = ( "After you hear START, try to count your heartbeats" " by concentrating on your body feelings" " Stop counting when you hear STOP" ) parameters["texts"]["nCount"] = ( "How many heartbeats did you count?" " Write a number and press ENTER to validate." ) parameters["texts"]["confidence"] = ( "How confident are you about your count?" "Use the RIGHT/LEFT keys to select and the DOWN key to confirm" ) # Tutorial instructions parameters["texts"]["Tutorial1"] = ( "During this experiment, we will ask you to silently" " count your heartbeats for different intervals of time." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial2"] = ( 'When you see this "heart" icon, you will silently count your' " heartbeats by focusing on your body sensations." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial3"] = ( 'Sometime, you will also encounter this "rest" icon.' " In this case your task will just be to sit quietly until the next" " session." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial4"] = ( "The beginning and the end of the task will be signalled when you hear" " the words 'START'' and 'STOP'. While counting your heartbeats, you" " may close your eyes if you find that helpful. Please keep your hand" " still during the counting period, to avoid interfering with" " the heartbeat recording." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial5"] = ( "After the counting part of the task, you will be asked to report the" " exact number of heartbeats you felt during the interval between" " 'START' and 'STOP'. Please do not try to estimate the number of" " heartbeats, but instead only report the heartbeats you actually felt" " during the interval. You will input your response using the number" " pad and press return when done. You can also correct your response" " using backspace." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial6"] = ( "Once you have made your response, you will estimate your subjective" " feeling of confidence in how accurate your count was" " for that interval. A large number here means that you are totally" " certain you counted the exact number of heartbeats that occured," " and a small number means that you are totally uncertain or felt that" " you were guessing about the" " number of heartbeats. You should use the RIGHT and LEFT" " key to select your response and the DOWN key to confirm." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial7"] = ( "Before the main task begins there is a short resting period of" " several minutes, during which we will calibrate the heartbeat" " recording. During this period, please sit quietly with your" " hands still to avoid interfering with the calibration." " Afterwards, the counting task will begin, and will take about" " 6 minutes in total." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial8"] = ( "You will now complete a short practice task." " Please ask the experimenter if you have any questions before" " continuing to the main experiment." ) parameters["texts"]["Tutorial9"] = ( "Good job! If you have any question, ask the experimenter now," " otherwise press SPACE to continue to the experiment." ) parameters["textSize"] = 0.04 return parameters